Wednesday, June 23, 2010

No One Like Him

Something that God's been teaching me is to meditate upon His person and declare His praises before I am so quick to rattle off my own cares and burdens or "obligations" to the Lord in prayer. Doing so reminds me of who I am talking to, of the smallness of me, and how much of what He has already accomplished and who He is answers my heart's deepest cries. Sometimes I need to stop listening to myself, and start preaching to myself. It's funny, the Lord has brought me to a place where I am actually convicted when I begin to get started on one of those pity-parties when things don't go the way I want them to. He gently reminds me that no, I know that that is not reality. I know better. I may not be able to know the future, but I DO know who my God is. And that, in of itself, is enough to fully content and bring peace to my soul when I fully drink it in, when I place my faith in Him. Verses in the Bible reassuring us of God's love and sovereignty weren't just placed there to make us feel warm and fuzzy long enough until we get that "thing" we so desire after. No, it is there because it is truth, and the Lord is not a means to an end..He is the end. Everything in between, THOSE were the shadows, those situations that the Lord uses to glorify Himself and lead us to Him, the greater reality, the truer good, the one Thing we have truly been looking for all along. Why do we wander? Why do we have such a shallow appetite, so easily satisfied? Let us look deeply into His face, craving Him above all else! There is NO ONE like Him!


  1. Hi. I came across your blog through another blog I follow and have signed up as a follower. When you’re free, please do visit me and let me know what you think of my blog and leave a comment. If you like, do follow as well. I am always open to great new people and interesting websites. Look forward to hearing from you.

  2. Soooo good. I love this. I remember coming to this thought and practice too. I wish everyone would experience its truth. Thanks Anne!

  3. Thanks you guys...And thank you for reading and responding! I feel like this one is something God keeps banging me on the head with, since I quickly forget a lot of important things..But it is always wonderful to keep discovering it, and God gives me a lot of grace :)
