"[Marriage] is a parable of permanence written from eternity about the greatest story that ever was. The parable is about Christ and his church. It has been a great honor to take this stage with you. What exalted roles we have been given to play! Someday I will take your hand, and stand on this stage, and make one last bow. The parable will be over, and the everlasting Reality will begin."--John Piper to his wife
God blows my mind. It starts with such a small, shallow desire, and God takes it and causes it to bloom into a magnificent unfolding of His bigger, beautiful plan. He graciously takes my childlike prayers and shows me how His plans are all I've really wanted to begin with and more. Oh the beauty of the gospel--God revealed to us, God with us, God's love and grace and person expressed to us through the work of the cross! His gospel expands our vision and puts everything in perspective. As C.S. Lewis once said, we are far too easily satisfied. We desire bread and He gives us the bread of life--and that even of Himself.
Love it girly! You're a blessing! :) <3